参展信息|BIO-Asia Taiwan 亚洲生技大展

参展信息|BIO-Asia Taiwan 亚洲生技大展 会昌实业,保健食品代工专家 将于7/25-7/28于南港展览馆参加 BIO-Asia Taiwan亚洲生技大展! 会场提供最新的代工服务、信息及创新的原料配方,诚挚邀请您共襄盛举! 保健食品代工,健康食品代工,生技展 回上頁

将于7/25-7/28于南港展览馆参加 BIO-Asia Taiwan亚洲生技大展!


Visitor Pre-Registration is now open! link: https://www.chanchao.com.tw/en/preReg/index.asp?id=DMCB2019&c=114204

Inviter: A.T.P. CO., LTD.
攤位號碼 Booth No: K1004

This invitation does not serve as an entry eligibility. Please follow the steps above and show your Membership QRCode at the entrance.

Application Deadline: 18:00PM July 28, 2019

The Membership QRCode is restriced to the usage of original holders and is not transferable.

You may log-in to the member center to review your registration history once you complete the visiting eligibility application.

The organizer reserves the right to modify the rules without prior notices. What is left unmentioned will be announced on the official website.

發佈者 會昌實業|專業保健食品代工 Published Jul 02, 2019