

  • Chrysanthemum Extract
  • R.O.C. Invention Patent I781390
  • Silver award of 2019 Inventions of Geneva Recommended dose: 100mg/day.
  • Taiwanese origin, free from pesticides, plasticizers, and heavy metal residues.

In the late 1950s, Chrysanthemum morifolium (Hang Ju) was introduced to Taiwan from China. Over the past 60 years, local farmers have continuously improved and Chrysanthemum to adapt to Taiwan's soil and climate conditions, eventually developing unique Taiwanese varieties.

The commonly consumed part of Chrysanthemum is its flowers, while most leaves and stems, even if edible, are often treated as agricultural waste. ATP-BIO has exclusively developed a green extraction method, extracting ChrysanthEYE from the unique Taiwanese Chrysanthemum.

Experimental evidence indicates that ChrysanthEYE can effectively help balance the microenvironment of the eye surface and maintain the stability of tear quality, thereby improving symptoms of dry eyes.

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